Contact Us

Contacting Us. We’ve tried to put as much information as we can online. But sometimes it easier to speak with someone directly.

Need more information, or are you ready to book? Call us toll-free: 1 (800) 852-7015, or email: contact at, or fill out this form below and we’ll get started.

Contact Us (
Good Contact Number on the Day of the Service. We may SMS you with service details, etc.
Enter a home number if you would like us to to call you at home.

Decedent Details

You are the _______ to the decedent.
The PNOK or PADD needs to be aware of, and approve of our coverage of this service.

Service Details

Most services start at the Administration Building.
If you don't have a date yet, enter today's date.
The is the service start time, not the time you are supposed to arrive.
If you don't know the rank, or if you do know the USN or USCG rating.